Silicone Rubber for Aerospace Applications

LDSilicone supplies the highest quality silicone rubber compounds and components to the aerospace industry

Solutions for the Aerospace Industry​

The aerospace business has its own set of specialized needs and standards that need to be addressed in every product utilized by the sector. The demand for such specialized specifications is higher than ever before, as manufacturers are continuously seeking for methods to enhance efficiency while decreasing costs and energy usage.

Silicone rubber provides unlimited advantages to aerospace: it can survive severe temperatures, resists pressure and ripping, is lightweight yet robust, and doesn't transfer electricity or heat effectively.

Solutions for the Aerospace Industry​​

Why choose silicone rubber for aerospace applications?

We are an engineering technical specialist and pride ourselves on offering safe and resilient silicone materials to meet a variety of aerospace and aviation applications. We are available in a number of standards, as well as bespoke alternatives for silicone solutions.


Aerospace Applications for Silicone Products

Silicone's adaptability and high-temperature resistance have made it a dependable choice for decades, and it is still one of the most effective materials used in aircraft manufacturing today.

Here are some of the most common places you will find silicone:

  • Instrumental seals and electrical equipment in cockpit
  • Lighting, overhead bins and window seals in cabin
  • Engine gaskets, gas turbine seals, molded seals
  • Door, outer windows and cargo seals
  • Tail, wings and sealant hydraulic seals

All aircraft face a range of problems, ranging from high speeds and altitudes to the shock of landing, all of which result in a slew of loud noises and vibrations. Silicone may absorb vibration and excessive noise, making passengers and staff feel more at ease and secure.

Aerospace Applications for Silicone Products​

Miten silikonia voidaan käyttää?

Silikonikumia käytetään monenlaisissa sovelluksissa, mutta sen ensisijainen tehtävä on tiivistää, eristää, tai suojaa sovellusta liekiltä, lämpöä, vettä, pöly, tai yleinen sää.

Akustinen eristys

Silikonikumi toimii vaimentimena ja akustisena eristimenä sovelluksissa suojaamaan niitä tärinävaurioilta.

Seals & gaskets

Silikonikumilla on erittäin alhainen taipuma ja puristus, joten se sopii erinomaisesti käytettäväksi tiivisteinä.


Suljetun solurakenteensa vuoksi, se tarjoaa erinomaisen lämmöneristyksen monenlaisissa sovelluksissa.


Silikonikumipuristeet (letkut, profiilit, johdot ) käytetään usein tiivisteinä LED-yksiköissä ja muissa sähkökoteloissa.

Liitä silikoniosien sovelluksia