High Consistency Rubber Molding Manufacturer
LGDSilicone offers comprehensive solutions for injection molding applications realized with high consistency silicone rubbers (HCR) Muovaus
What Is High Consistency Rubber?
High molecular weight and lengthy polymer chains are found in the rubber that has been heat-cured, high temperature vulcanized (HTV), tai korkea konsistenssi kumi. These rubbers' characteristics, such as resilience and recovery following elongation or compression, are embodied by HCR.
When silicone rubber is catalyzed properly to generate high consistency rubber (HCR), it may be utilized as the raw material for a variety of applications that need to be finished by molding and calendaring (sheets of varying thicknesses). The primary component of extruded tube and compression molding is HCR.

HCR vs. LSR Ruiskuvalu

The production volume you will need will play a large role in determining whether HCR or LSR injection molding is the better option for your project. Tyypillisesti, LSR is better suited for producing hundreds or thousands of parts, whereas HCR's methods are better suited for smaller production runs.
We at LGDSilikonia are industry leaders in both forms of silicone rubber production, and we can utilize our knowledge to guide you in choosing the best course of action for your next project.
The HCR injection molding Process
The HCR silicone injection molding process typically involves heating the raw material and injecting it under high pressure into a mold. The injection screw preheats the silicone, reducing its viscosity and enabling it to flow with greater ease into the mold cavity
- 1.Mill Softening
- 2.Preform Preparation
- 3.Extrusion/Molding
- 4.Vulkanointi
- 5.Finishing
Custom HCR Silicone Injection Molded FAQs
At a high level, the injection molding process for HCR is the same as with other elastomers: the silicone rubber is fed into a heated barrel and injected under pressure into a mold where the material completely vulcanizes into the desired part shape.
Due to its higher viscosity compared to other elastomers, HCR is typically processed using compression and transfer molding methods, but can also be utilized for injection molding projects. HCR has many desirable properties such as excellent aging resistance, thermal stability, sähköiset ominaisuudet, mechanical strength, venymä, and hardness.
Fabricating parts out of HCR requires many steps that are labor-intensive, albeit simple (relative the injection molding process used with LSR ): mill softening, preform preparation, extrusion/molding, vulcanization, and finishing.
Toimialat ja sovellukset
LDGSilicone toimittaa laajan valikoiman mukautettuja silikonikumista valmistettuja muovausosia. Näitä osia löytyy tuotteista, joita käytetään useilla eri aloilla, mukaan lukien autoteollisuus, Ilmailu,Keittoastiat, biotieteet (kuten lääketieteelliset/terveydenhuolto/vauvojenhoitotuotteet), ja Lelut ja erikoissovellukset.
Silikonikumin muovaus Muut tuotantomahdollisuudet
LGDSilicone tarjoaa useita vaihtoehtoja silikonikumin muovauksen tuotantokyvylle

Silikoninen päällysvalu
Silikonin päällemuovauksessa metalli- tai muoviosa asetetaan muottipesään ja kuumennetaan sen kovettamiseksi

Silikonikumin puristusmuovaus on puristusmuovausprosessi, jossa materiaalina on silikonikumi.

LSR Ruiskuvalu
LSR-ruiskuvalu on prosessi, jossa nestemäistä silikonikumia ruiskutetaan muovauskoneeseen osan valmistamiseksi.

Silikonin suulakepuristus
Silikonin suulakepuristus on prosessi, jossa silikoni pakotetaan muotoillun muotin läpi jatkuvan muotoillun pituuden tuottamiseksi