Silicone Rubber Calendering Manufacturer

LGDSilicone Parts is a leading provider of produced parts using the silicone rubber calendering process. Kehittyneet tuotantokykymme, erinomainen laatu ja kahden vuosikymmenen kokemus silikonikumikomponenteista tekevät meistä ihanteellisen kumppanin seuraavaan projektiisi.

What Is Silicone Rubber Calendering?

Silicone Rubber Calendering is a mechanical process that continuously feeds silicone rubber or other materials through one or more pairs of heated hard steel rolls, or calenders, to compress and smooth the material and create either uniform standalone sheets or hybrid composites with other materials. Other materials can also be used in the process, such as paper or textiles.

What is the calendering process

The Silicone Rubber Calendering Process

Silicone Rubber Calendering product Manufacturer​

What is the difference between a calender & an extruder?

While calendering equipment may be more expensive than extruders, the process requires minimal cleaning. Extruders, toisaalta, must be purged and cleaned after use. Lgdsilicone Rubber manufactures rubber mixes, molds, extrusions, calenders and covers.

Advantages of Lgdsilicone’s Silicone Rubber Calendering

Toimialat ja sovellukset

LDGSilicone toimittaa laajan valikoiman mukautettuja silikonikumista valmistettuja muovausosia. Näitä osia löytyy tuotteista, joita käytetään useilla eri aloilla, mukaan lukien autoteollisuus, Ilmailu,Keittoastiat, biotieteet (kuten lääketieteelliset/terveydenhuolto/vauvojenhoitotuotteet), ja Lelut ja erikoissovellukset.

Custom Silicone Rubber Calendering FAQs

Calendering processes rubber by forcing the material softened by heat into the center of two to five counter-rotating rollers. The rollers compact the sheet as it passes through them. The thickness of the resulting product gets determined by the gap between the cylinders, called the nip region.

The uncured silicone HCR preform is typically compressed into a continuous silicone sheet by two or more hardened steel rollers rotating in opposing directions. The silicone may be pressed into a number of substrates, including glass, plastic, release film liners, different textiles, ja enemmän.

There are almost endless applications, mukaan lukien:

  • Construction linings
  • Products for interior design, including tablecloths, shower curtains, and coverings for the walls, floors, and ceiling
  • attire, such as waterproof clothing and highly coated protection gear
  • Products for use with food, such as flexible reservoirs and tanks
  • Medical applications for autoclavable items.

Calendering is a mechanical process used to manufacture uniform sheets made of silicone rubber. Raw materials, such as heat cured silicone (HCR) that are heat softened or extruded, are forced through a series of aligned cylindrical rolls that determine the thickness and mechanical properties of the finished products.

Silikonikumin muovaus Muut tuotantomahdollisuudet

LGDSilicone tarjoaa useita vaihtoehtoja silikonikumin muovauksen tuotantokyvylle

Silicone Overmolding​ product

Silikoninen päällysvalu

Silikonin päällemuovauksessa metalli- tai muoviosa asetetaan muottipesään ja kuumennetaan sen kovettamiseksi

Silicone Rubber Compression Molding products


Silikonikumin puristusmuovaus on puristusmuovausprosessi, jossa materiaalina on silikonikumi.

LSR Injection Molding product

LSR Ruiskuvalu

LSR-ruiskuvalu on prosessi, jossa nestemäistä silikonikumia ruiskutetaan muovauskoneeseen osan valmistamiseksi.

Compression Molding​ product

Silikonin suulakepuristus

Silikonin suulakepuristus on prosessi, jossa silikoni pakotetaan muotoillun muotin läpi jatkuvan muotoillun pituuden tuottamiseksi