To create silicone elastomers with high mechanical characteristics, reactive, straight-chained molecules are combined with a cross-linking agent and reinforcing (elasticity, absorption, tear strength).Silicone elastomers (SE) are used for artificial cornea applications.

What are elastomers and rubbers?
The best way to characterize elastomers is as rubbery substances. Rubber originally referred to organic rubber. Later, the term "elastomer" was adopted to describe synthetic rubbers. Nowadays, the majority of rubbery materials are categorized as elastomeric materials.
Advantages Of Silicone Elastomers
Principal advantages of silicone elastomers are:
Kualiti. High-performance applications requiring extreme purity are ideal for silicone elastomers. They adjust to various manufacturing issues in many sectors, including the production of home goods, automobiles, elektronik, and molds. The variety of possible specialized uses for silicone elastomers may be further expanded by making them food grade compliant.
Versatility. You may easily and cheaply tailor silicone elastomers to meet changing procedural and performance requirements. Because of this, innovative businesses promoting manufacturing and testing innovation embrace silicone elastomers.
High physiological inertness
- Tasteless
- Odourless
- Tidak toksik
Low Compression Set
- Good resistance to compression set at high temperatures
- Great for sealing
Silicone elastomer properties
High-performance applications, particularly in hostile situations where conventional polymeric materials may fail, require silicone elastomers. Silicone elastomer rubber components provide long-lasting durability and dependability even when subjected to a wide temperature range (from -50°C to 250°C) or harsh outdoor conditions (humidity, UV, Ozone).
They are particularly well suited to insulate and safeguard electronic equipment, including high voltage lines, because to their dielectric characteristics and heat resistance. These goods will continue to have their elastomeric characteristics, such as excellent resistance to ripping and/or extremely high elongation before breaking point (essential in molds, modeling and reproduction, peralatan dapur, dan lain-lain.).
Additionally safe for human use and resistant to the high temperatures needed for sterilizing, silicone elastomers are perfect for medical applications (skin contact, medical devices, long term implants, dan lain-lain.).
Negatives of Silicone Elastomers
poorly abraded
- We normally advise against using silicone if you're searching for an elastomer with good abrasion qualities.
- Due to their limited lifespan, silicone is not used in the manufacture of automobile tires or shoe bottoms.
Poor Resistance to Petroleum
- If silicone comes into prolonged contact with oil, it is susceptible to swelling.
- Due to its resistance to oil and petroleum in this situation, we advise using fluorosilicone.
What is silicone elastomer made of?
In the form of a polymer, getah silikon (SIR) is an elastomer made of silicon that also contains silicon, karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. Untreated silicone will solidify after curing if it is in gel or liquid state. Either vulcanization or catalysis are options for the curing process.
Is silicone a polymer or elastomer?
Silicone is a polymer that contains silicon together with other elements including carbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. Silicone is what makes silicone rubber an elastomer, or rubber-like substance.
What is silicone elastomer used for?
A variety of heat-stable, elastic silicone materials known as silicone rubbers or elastomers are used for electrical insulation as wire and cable covers, coated glass-fibre cloths, tapes, and braided glass sleevings, among other unsupported applications.
Is silicone the same as elastomer?
is a polymer with elastic characteristics. The majority of elastomeric goods, with the exception of latex (a natural product), are classified as "synthetic elastomers," despite the fact that the term "elastomer" is often used to refer to silicone rather than rubber.
Is silicone a plastic or rubber?
Secara teknikalnya, silikon mungkin dikategorikan sebagai ahli keluarga getah. Silikon ialah sejenis kacukan antara getah sintetik dan polimer plastik sintetik, tetapi, jika anda mentakrifkan plastik secara meluas, seperti yang kita lakukan. Hard resins, spreadable fluids, and objects that resemble malleable rubber may all be created with silicone.
Is silicone elastomer waterproof?
Salah satu pengedap paling popular untuk mencipta peti besi, meterai bersama kalis air adalah silikon. Yang fleksibel, plastik bergetah adalah pilihan terbaik untuk pengedap kedap air dalam paip paip, akuarium, kapal, dan aplikasi fabrikasi logam lain kerana rintangan haba yang kuat dan ketoksikan yang rendah.
What is an example of elastomer?
Natural rubbers, styrene-butadiene block copolymers, polyisoprene, polybutadiene, ethylene-propylene rubber, ethylene-propylene diene rubber, silicone elastomers, fluoroelastomers, polyurethane elastomers, and nitrile rubbers are a few examples of elastomers.