Silikon Sünger Levha (Yapıştırıcı Destekli) Beyaz
Silikon Sünger Levha (Yapışkan Destekli) Beyaz
Our white silicone sponge sheet adhesive backed is stocked from 1.5mmthk up to 25mmthk
1.5mm-12mmthk are in roll form 10mtrs x 1mtr wide
15/16mm, 20mm and 25mmthk are supplied in 1mtr sq sheets
The color is white (which is more like an off-white)
Standart yoğunluk 16 lb'dir (250kilogram)
Other colors and densities are available on request
Teknik belgeler
Buy a Silicone Sponge Sheet (Yapıştırıcı Destekli) White in a Range of Sizes & Özellikler.
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