Silicone Rubber For Automotive Applications
Solutions for the Automotive Industry
In the automobile industry, our silicone materials are widely used.
Silicone components may be found in every aspect of a passenger automobile or truck, from the engine to the interior, bodywork, on-board electronics, and accessories. Because of its adaptability and physical qualities, silicone materials are increasingly being used in the automobile sector.
F.eks,They may remain flexible at high temperatures, maintain grip, and defend against extreme climatic conditions.
Automotive Applications for Silicone Products
Spark plug wires in automobiles are insulated with numerous layers of silicone to prevent sparks from leaping to adjacent wires and causing misfires.
In automobile induction systems, silicone tubing is occasionally utilized (especially in positive-supercharged engines).
Silicone sheets are used to make gaskets for automobile engines, gearboxes, and other purposes.
Application examples:
- Cylinder head gaskets
- Sealing of the engine and gearbox
- Battery modules Rechargeable batteries
- Headlight seals
- Electronic control units (ECU)
- Electrical and electronic connectors
- Spark plug boots
Why choose silicone rubber for automotive solutions?
Silicone rubber has a variety of qualities that allow it to be used in a variety of car interiors and exteriors, as well as a variety of mass transportation interiors. LGDSilicone er glade for at kunne levere præcisionsfremstillede silikoneløsninger til bilindustrien som ingeniørspecialist.
Hvordan kan silikone bruges?
Silikonegummi bruges i en lang række applikationer, men dens primære funktion er at forsegle, isolere, eller beskyt en applikation mod ild, varme, vand, støv, eller generel vejrlig.
Akustisk isolering
Silikonegummi fungerer som en dæmper og en akustisk isolator i applikationer for at beskytte dem mod vibrationsskader.
Seals & gaskets
Silikonegummi har et meget lavt afbøjnings- og kompressionssæt, hvilket gør den ideel til brug som tætninger og pakninger.
Termisk isolering
På grund af dens lukkede cellestruktur, det giver fremragende termisk isolering i en lang række anvendelser.
Ekstruderinger af silikonegummi (rør, profiler, ledninger ) bruges ofte som tætninger til LED-enheder og andre elektriske kabinetter.