Silicone Rubber For Personal Care Applications

Silicone rubber is enjoying a renaissance in the personal care industry. This material has been used for decades to make products like baby toys, sutter, and diapers.

Løsninger til personlig plejeindustrien

Silicone Rubber is a unique material that has many uses in the personal care industry. It is used in many consumer products including medical devices, kosmetik, and even contact lenses. Silicone is known for its durability and versatility making it an ideal material for certain applications such as adhesives, sealants and gaskets.

Raw materials are the key to the creation of mother and infant products. we take all attempts to make sure our raw material at its optimum performance and fulfill international standards including FDA, LFGB and Rohs. Of course, manufacturing and quality control is also key in LGDSilicone’s concept in order to attain top standard in mom&baby care sector.

Solutions for the Personal Care Industry

Hvordan kan silikone bruges?

Silikonegummi bruges i en lang række applikationer, men dens primære funktion er at forsegle, isolere, eller beskyt en applikation mod ild, varme, vand, støv, eller generel vejrlig.

Akustisk isolering

Silikonegummi fungerer som en dæmper og en akustisk isolator i applikationer for at beskytte dem mod vibrationsskader.

Seals & gaskets

Silikonegummi har et meget lavt afbøjnings- og kompressionssæt, hvilket gør den ideel til brug som tætninger og pakninger.

Termisk isolering

På grund af dens lukkede cellestruktur, det giver fremragende termisk isolering i en lang række anvendelser.


Ekstruderinger af silikonegummi (rør, profiler, ledninger ) bruges ofte som tætninger til LED-enheder og andre elektriske kabinetter.


Why choose silicone rubber for Personal Care solutions?

Silicone rubber offers unique benefits in personal care applications including its low compression set, high temperature resistance, kemisk resistens, and ability to withstand repeated sterilization cycles.

LGDSilicone is pleased to provide precision-manufactured silicone solutions to the automobile sector as an engineering specialist.

Personal Care Applications for Silicone Products

Silicone Pacifiers for personal care

Silicone Pacifiers

Silicone Spoon for pesonal care

Silicone Spoon

Silicone Baby Teether-Koala for personal care

Silicone Baby Teethe

Silicone Suction Plate for personal care

Silicone Suction Plate

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