What Is Silicone Wire?

Silicone wire is a wire where silicone (a kind of rubber) is utilized as the insulator surrounding the wire. Silicone wire is widely renowned for its flexibility and heat resistance and is highly suggested in extreme temperature situations. These wires normally have a temperature resistance of up to + 250°C.

Viser 1–12 af 15 resultater

10 AWG silikonetråd

10 AWG Silikonetrådsdetaljer 1050 der bruges tråde af kobbertråd til at lave denne kødfulde superorm 10 AWG silikone

14 AWG silikonetråd

14 AWG Silicone Wire Detail Hundreds of strands of highly efficient copper wire are used to make Silicone wire. This

16 AWG silikonetråd

16 AWG Silicone Wire Detail Hundreds of strands of highly efficient copper wire are used to make Superworm Silicone wire.

18 AWG silikonetråd

18 AWG Silicone Wire Detail This is a very flexible wire and can be used for high-performance racing applications. 150

8 AWG silikonetråd

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Elastiske silikone trådbindere Detalje Pakkeindhold: Du modtager 20 stk elastiske silikone ledningsorganer-stropper, i 5 farve: hvid,

Originalt silikone kabelbinder

Originalt silikone kabelbinder 1. 5Pcs* 18 Inch Silicone Cable Ties(Black). Item Diameter: 5 mm. 2. Durable, Vandtæt, Reusable Gear

Udendørs elektriske silikonetrådmøtrikker

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Top 5 Benefits Of Silicone Wire

Electronics manufacturers, construction/real estate enterprises, medical equipment makers, aerospace companies, and other businesses that rely on excellent heat resistance inside their products should explore silicone cables for the advantages they may bring. The most prevalent insulated cables nowadays are PVC cables, imidlertid, silicone wire gives better insulation at a more significant cost. Silicone wire can be coupled with other wires. Silicone wires are steadily rising in favor of a number of different industries due to their performance. Let's have a look at the top 8 advantages of silicone wires:

Flame Resistance

Silicone wires are an excellent alternative when circuit integrity must be maintained in the event of a fire. They have an advantage over conventional insulated wires due to their exceptional flame resistance. If you wish to reduce the damage caused by a fire, you should utilize silicone wires. Because of their mineral flame resistance, they are helpful for various industrial applications. Unlike other cables that can melt at high temperatures, silicone cables provide resistance during a fire and give ample time to extinguish it.

High Flexibility

Silicone wire is noted for its exceptional flexibility, making it ideal for industrial applications. Its capacity to endure significant bending makes it an excellent choice for a variety of applications.

Kemisk resistens

Silicone wires with a protective covering are able to withstand exposure to many chemicals and substances that can damage other cables. If you work in an area where you are regularly exposed to unknown substances, silicone wires are a dependable choice.

Temperature Resistance

Because of their great heat resistance and adaptability, silicone wires are an excellent choice. They can resist extreme temperatures, with industrial-grade wires capable of working at temperatures ranging from -90°C (-130°F) to +300°C (+572°F). Even the most basic silicone wires can withstand temperatures as high as +200°C (+392°F), guaranteeing good transmission qualities and flexibility independent of temperature variations.

It is vital to remember that wire temperature resistance varies with temperature, mechanical stress, exposure period, and the kind and character of the environment. Derudover, because material characteristics alter at both ends of the operational temperature range, the physical qualities of the wire's materials might impact its temperature resistance. At temperatures up to 350°C, a silicone composition with a nickel conductor is offered.

Compression Resistance

Silicone wires can maintain their shape even after being exposed to prolonged pressure. Suppose you are used to working with cables that become permanently bent after being put under pressure. In that case, we suggest switching to silicone wires, which can endure stressing without compromising their shape.

F.eks, if you compress a silicone cable between two machines, it will return to its original shape once the pressure is lifted. This feature enables you to bend and flex it multiple times without causing any damage.

The Most Popular Applications for Silicone Wire

Silicone-insulated wires and cables are a frequent solution for numerous sectors due to its wide working temperature range, high flexibility, and voltage qualities. Silicone wire and cable compounds are available in unique grades and formulae to satisfy specific criteria such as medical grade/implantable, low smoke/halogen-free, improved resistance to abrasion, flame retardancy, og mere.


In aerospace and space applications, it is often necessary to use low-smoke halogen-free wire and cable. Heldigvis, silicone-insulated cables can be manufactured with low smoke halogen-free grades, which provide several advantages over conventional cable products, inklusive:

  • Silicone does not emit any corrosive gases.
  • Flame resistance: This ensures reduced flame propagation.
  • Halogen-free cables generate little smoke, thus ensuring clear visibility during fires.

Medical Applications

Medical device makers typically employ silicone insulated wire and cable due to its ability to be used in an autoclave, as well as for its chemical resistance and ultra-flexible nature. Silicone is a popular choice for a broad range of applications in the medical area, including medical robots, implanted devices, sensors, and portable devices, just to mention a few. i øvrigt, silicone is extensively utilized for medical tubing and is commonly seen in applications such as catheters, drains, feeding tubes, and peristaltic pumps. Manufacturers that are contemplating silicone for these sorts of applications can pick from specific grades that fulfill severe health regulatory criteria.

PVC vs Rubber vs Silicone Wire Insulation

There are several forms of wire and cable insulation suitable to a number of requirements. Insulation is formed of a non-conductive substance that surrounds the wire and will impede an electric current. Take in mind that The thickness of the insulation influences the voltage rating. You may acquire high voltage from any form of insulation depending on the thickness.

PVC vs Rubber vs Silicone Wire Insulation

FAQs Of Silicone Wire

Silicone cables can not only endure high temperatures but extremely cold temperatures as well. Industrial-grade silicone cables can resist as much as +300°C (+572°F) and as low as -90°C (-130°F). Even simple silicone cables have a temperature resistance of up to +200°C (+392°F).

Silicone wires are suited for outdoor application where they can be subject to harsh weather conditions. For eksempel, it’s conceivable to utilize silicone wires on rooftops for solar applications where they would be subjected to continual heat.

Due to the nature and benefits of silicone wire, they’re typically deemed excellent to be employed in tough and extreme temperature conditions. Nevertheless, medical and aeronautical applications, automotive wiring and heating systems are among frequent sectors in which silicone cables are employed.

Summary of Silicone Wire

Silicone wire is a robust and flexible electrical wire that is extensively utilized in numerous sectors owing to its unique features. It is a suitable choice for applications that demand high temperature resistance, outstanding flexibility, og stærk elektrisk isolering.

In summary, silicone wire provides a trustworthy and effective option for electrical wiring needs, particularly in settings with extreme weather conditions and high temperatures. Its capacity to tolerate severe temperatures, fleksibilitet, and good electrical insulating capabilities make it a suitable choice for a number of industrial and commercial applications.